Neighborhood News

Federation Update

The Federation Board meeting was held Sept. 9. The next Board meeting Oct. 14, 7 p.m. at 882 West 7th Street, Suite 6 on the second floor.
Board Update: The Board heard and approved a request to waive the 45-day notice period for a public hearing on an additional liquor license for Mucci’s Italian restaurant; the public hearing will still occur and neighbors will be notified. The Board also approved applying for joint boundary changes between our district and the downtown district, (Capitol River Council). Councilmember Noecker talked with Board members about issues of the neighborhood and the City.
Stay in touch 
“Like” the West 7th / Fort Road Federation on Facebook and subscribe to its e-newsletter on our website —
Contact: Emily Northey, FRF executive director + community organizer [email protected]; office: 651-298-5599; 882 West 7th St, Suite 6, in the Rathskeller Building. 

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