Ward Two Candidate: Bill Hosko
If it’s “Time for Change at City Hall” and you want to “Restore Power Back to the People” Vote Bill Hosko this fall!
While there is much good occurring throughout the ward, many issues are not being addressed well at all by Representative Noecker since taking office in January 2016.
Uncontrolled spending is resulting in unending property, fee and assessment taxation. Over-taxation not only affects homeowners, it is also the single largest driver of ever higher apartment rents. Many people on fixed incomes and those who make lower wages are being harmed. The fifteen dollar minimum wage increase she championed is being erased by her poor spending habits.
Additionally, neglect of basic infrastructure is evident everywhere. An explosion of invasive plant growth is occurring across our public lands — grand vistas from Linwood, Cherokee and Prospect Parks are gone. The city’s planning processes for West Seventh LRT (streetcars) and downtown’s Pedro Park were not honorable (they and others need investigation and integrity restored into them. It’s not too late).
Downtown’s office sector and Lowertown’s arts district continued contracting — during a metro-area economic boom. Fare theft and misconduct remain commonplace on Metro Transit, and particularly on LRT where security costs have skyrocketed. Downtown’s Central Station stop is still a disaster, and a port-a-potty still greets riders here. Trimming Ayd Mill road to two lanes from four would on weekdays, send thousands of vehicles back into neighborhoods. We’ve lost Taste of Minnesota, our River Showboat and July 4th Fireworks Celebrations. Good Grief!
Regarding trash collection, Councilmember Noecker failed her constituents repeatedly: (1) by voting for the legally questionable “trash ordinance;” (2) by ignoring thousands of signatures against it; (3) by ignoring two court rulings siding with citizens — and to throw further insult upon us, (4) she stood silently by while Mayor Carter (who is backing her re-election campaign) then threatened St. Paul with a massive tax increase, if we dare vote to repeal the city council’s egregious trash dictate this fall. Incredible.
In conclusion, I’m a native of St. Paul and have owned a downtown gallery and frame shop for 25 years — it now includes a small café and music venue. A small wine/beer license is in the works, as-is a long-term lease renewal. While I may not have a lot of money, I have been rich to have had my health and to have had a very good life to this point.
Remember this: the incumbent’s campaign will outspend our grass-roots, 100% non-partisan campaign tremendously and many special interests, including career politicians and high-paid union leaders, want things to stay the same. Directly, and indirectly, they will funnel large contributions into her re-election campaign. They will send you many mailings, emails and phone calls. I will not. They will target seniors, whose birthyears and phone numbers they legally obtained from the Secretary of State’s office. I won’t.
Folks, have faith! We can stop the unending neglect and abuse of power with your votes, and votes from others you know, for my candidacy. Everything mentioned above, and much more can be corrected. If elected, I will remain 100% non-partisan. There is so much good we can accomplish – together – in short order – for long-term – which can restore St. Paul’s luster and improve your quality of life.
Visit us at: Hosko4Ward2.Org or 763-280-1178.