Plastic In Land and Air
In part six of her series on plastics, Julie Borgerding July talks about the prevalence of plastics in everything we
Read MoreIn part six of her series on plastics, Julie Borgerding July talks about the prevalence of plastics in everything we
Read MoreIt’s a new year and a new you! The time has rolled around again to write down your New Year’s resolutions and make good on your goals. Many people use this time to kickstart changes to improve their health. Unfortunately, research shows that almost 80% of New Year’s resolutions, no matter how well intentioned, come to an end by the second week of February. Often this is because the goals we set are too broad or unrealistic. For example, the goals to exercise more or eat healthier, while great ideas, do not give us a strong foundation to achieve those goals. Without specific steps and smaller milestones, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or discouraged when progress is slower than expected. When changes don’t happen right away, it’s easy to lose motivation, but slow and steady wins the race.
Read MoreIn part five of her series on plastics, Julie Borgerding July talks about the long- and short-term effects of plastic
Read MoreMayor Carter announced that the City of St. Paul and Undue Medical Debt abolished nearly $40 million of medical debt
Read MoreNew hockey boards are coming to all St. Paul Parks and Recreation outdoor hockey rinks this winter as part of
Read MoreThe holidays are here, and while it’s a time of joy and celebration, there are unique safety risks this time
Read MoreAlthough it may be hard to believe, the holiday season is here! During this time of the year, many people travel and get together with family and friends. Alcohol is a common beverage offered during these gatherings and there can be a feeling that this is something that is normally consumed when getting together with others. When watching football on television the commercials make alcoholic beverages seem to always make good times better without consequences. Unfortunately, this is not true as health and social problems from alcohol consumption resulted in an economic burden of over $249 billion in the United States in 2010. Thus, while alcohol can be safely consumed by many adults, caution should be taken when drinking this beverage.
Read MoreIn part four of her series on plastics, Julie Borgerding July fills us in on where we can recycle different
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