12th Annual West End Neighbors Garden, History Tour

West End neighbors have designated Saturday, June 8, for the 12th annual West End Neighbors Garden … and this year, for the first time, History Tour.
The gardens have been chosen, and a 60-page (!) draft of the history has been researched and written, for the area between West 7th and the Mississippi River, Jefferson out to Fort Snelling.
This year, in addition to the plant sale at the Fort Road Federation, a digital scavenger hunt of historic sites with cash prizes will add a challenge to explore the neighborhood more deeply in the weeks before the Tour. The scavenger site list will be available May 1, 2019, in the Community Reporter as well as on the Federation’s Website (fortroadfederation.org).
With their advertising, local businesses and sponsors make publication of the Garden Tour Book and civic promotion possible, and can contact Joe Landsberger at [email protected] for details.
— Joe Landsberger