
“To unite, in common cause…” 2019 Fort Road Federation Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the West 7th/Fort Road Federation will be held on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 at Summit Brewing, 910 Montreal Circle. Arrive as early as 6 p.m. to reconnect with old friends and enjoy a Summit draft (beer $3; root beer $2). We’ll gather again at conversation tables to explore some of the important issues facing our community, and an activity corner provides a space for kids to do kid things while parents stand close by being adults.

Highlights of a Full Agenda
• Election of Board members. The candidates’ bios are posted on
President: Dana DeMaster; 1st Vice President: Meghan Redmond; 2nd Vice President: Wendy Underwood; Secretary: Andrea Marboe
Treasurer: Nicole Loran; Area Coordinators 1: Mark Fangmeier & Craig Johnson; Area Coordinators 2: Brenna Barrett & Tracy Farr; Area Coordinators 3: Tanya Fabyanske Beck, Sue Nichols & Stan Willett; Past President: Becky Yust.
• Amending the Federation bylaws. The complete document is posted:
• Adopting various resolutions. Posted on
(a) Affirming the principles of agreement to come out of the Joint W7BA/FRF Riverview Task Force and the related community meeting.
(b) Resolutions can be proposed by any member. E-mail yours to Emily at [email protected] by April 20 so that it can be added to the agenda.
• Agenda: 
A more detailed agenda will be posted closer to the event. Meanwhile, note that doors open at 6 p.m. and offer time to visit tables and meet board candidates. At 6:30, introductions of Board candidates and elected officials precede the 7 p.m. Call to Order. Table Topics at press time include St. Paul Dementia Friends; City housing programs — aimed at preserving Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH); Council Member Noecker’s office; Catholic Charities; National Night Out and Sergeant Fuzz (dog); West End Neighbors Garden & History Tour; Library and West 7th Community Center.
There are District boundary changes to be proposed; a Strategic Plan update [read the plan on the Federation website and offer comment by e-mail or phone prior to the meeting.] Amendments to the Bylaws can also be viewed online. The District Plan update will be presented.
The Joint West 7th Business Association/FRF Riverview Task Force update will also introduce principles of agreement for transit developments.
Board elections.
Recognition of Neighborhood Honor Roll award winners.

Presidents’ Viewpoint
• Over the past two years, I, as President, have witnessed board members work to ensure that the Federation is increasingly inclusive in its actions and activities. The board is committed to continue to create expanded opportunities for West Enders to engage with one another and make the Federation truly representative of West 7th. Becky Yust, outgoing president.
• Neighborhood organizations have not only a responsibility to include all voices in their area, but will be stronger organizations for it. The West 7th neighborhood is a vibrant and diverse neighborhood and the involvement with the Federation should reflect that. Involvement is not just serving on the board — people have different time commitments, interests, and talents. We are intentionally working to create more opportunities for involvement, whether on the board, serving on a committee, attending an event, or simply providing feedback online. In the coming year we are forming an outreach committee charged with connecting with neighbors, in particular renters and people of color, and defining and creating ways to become involved at all levels. 
Dana DeMaster, candidate for president.
2019 Fort Road Federation Annual Meeting
Wednesday, April 17, 2019, 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Summit Brewing Company, 910 Montreal Circle.

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