Thanks to our departing editor
In Casey Ek’s two-year term as Editor of the Community Reporter he brought his creativity, curiosity and energy together to help produce a fascinating array of articles and graphic illustrations of the many emerging issues for our West End community.
Now, he and his wife Bridget Ireland-Ek have planned an “Adventure Year” that will allow them to have three-month visits to four different parts of the country. Bridget is an Occupational Therapist and will do four rotations to support staffing needs in several locations, starting in southern Minnesota and including California, New England and North Carolina.
Casey will concentrate on his creative work, producing multimedia documentaries and podcasts. He’ll also return to Guatemala, where he has been hired to document the work of a religious mission there through a series of video interviews. His previous work in Guatemala can be viewed on YouTube — just search “Casey Ek.”
Bon voyage and “happy trails” to you both.