Garden Views: Time to Think About Flowering Spring Bulbs
Early October is a perfect time to think about planting some of those fabulous spring flowering bulbs. I have planted Asiatic Lilies as late as November through a light snow. That wasn’t fun, so try to avoid that situation.
You could still transplant Peony and Iris. They are actually tubers and rhizomes not bulbs. Be careful with pruning, as you don’t want to encourage any new growth if the weather stays warm.
Fall is a perfect time to think about next years garden and getting some of the clean up done as well. I like to wait with some of the clean up as our garden critters and insects need a home for the winter too. Leaving stems for insect larva as well as other plant cover is a good idea.
If you have a mania for Tulips, as the Dutch did in the 17th Century and probably still do, the variety to choose from is endless. I am partial to the Darwin selections, as they tend to be more perennial in the landscape. Some tulip varieties do not last quite as well here in Minnesota.
Daffodils are a favorite of mine. The showy Asiatic Lilies, which are like what is commonly called Easter Lilies, grow from bulbs.
Also showy are Daylilies—these are another very popular plant and they grow from a tuber, not a bulb. The very common orange variety of Daylily, sometimes called Tiger or Outhouse lilies is another favorite of mine for their tenacity as a grower and graceful bloom on long stems.
The Spring Ephemerals are special on edges and in selected spots. They arrive early and quickly following melted snow and can be gone before you see them. Snowdrops are always early, followed by Crocus, Scilla, Bloodroot, alliums and more.
Get inspired now and warm your heart as you look forward to what your planting of spring bulbs and tubers will bring. Happy gardening to you!