Checking on Needs of Aging Loved Ones
The Minnesota Dept. of Human Services and the Minnesota Board on Aging offer these resources:
Senior LinkAge Line (1-800-333-2433; provides help with prescription drug coverage and health care options that help older adults remain healthy, safe at home.
Disability Hub MN (1-866-333-2466; helps people with disabilities and their families solve problems, navigate the service system and plan for their futures. is an online directory of services and service providers rich in resources for all Minnesotans in need of help and information.
LinkVet (1-888-LinkVet, is a MN Dept. of Veterans Affairs service line and website that provides support to vets and their families.
The Minnesota Board on Aging website ( also has resources for people who are caregiving for family members and friends. The Caregiver Resource Guide includes checklists to plan for caregiving and tips for how people who are caregiving can take care of themselves.