Neighborhood News

Thank you for your continued support

Someone recently asked me, “What are the benefits of being a nonprofit newspaper?” It’s a great question and one I had to stop and think deeply about.  

There are, of course, tangible benefits, like the ability to apply for grants and discounted postage. More importantly are the intangibles, like an increased credibility that comes with a nonprofit status, that make the Community Reporter unique. 

Probably the most important benefit of being a nonprofit news publication, however, is a question of ownership. Unlike national news, or even our Twin Cities daily news outlets, we aren’t owned by corporations or billionaires. The Community Reporter is owned by you, our community.

Our Board of Directors is composed of people who live or work in the West End (or both!), and care deeply about telling the story of our community. Likewise, our writers live in the West End and have a vested interest in the continuous improvement of their community. But it doesn’t stop there. We partner with community organizations, local elected officials and small businesses to bring the stories of the West End to your doorstep every month.

That simple question caused me to want to pause and offer my appreciation to everyone who continues to make the Community Reporter an integral part of our community. 

That includes our Board, our staff, our volunteers, our partners and… you. Thank you for continuing to read our publication and share the stories of our community to keep the West End thriving. We couldn’t do it without your support.

If you have ever wondered about how you could become more involved in what we do, here are a few simple ways to be more plugged into the Community Reporter.

Join our mailing list

Never miss an issue, or an opportunity to support us, by signing up for our newsletter. Once each month, an email version of the Community Reporter can be delivered to your inbox. Find news you may have missed, or updates to stories that you won’t find in the print editions. Sign up at

Send us a tip

Is there an important issue happening in your neighborhood? A new business opening up across the alley? An event you want the community to know about? Let us know about it. The West End is such a thriving community that we can’t possibly know everything that is happening. That’s where you come in. Let us know if there is something important that you’d like to see in the pages of the Community Reporter. Email me at [email protected] to let me know.

Write a letter to the editor, or a story

We want to hear from the experts, and who is a better expert on our community than those who live in it. Write us a letter about an issue that you think needs more attention, no matter how big or small. Or take it a step further and pitch a story you’d like to write about someone or something in our community. We can’t print everything, but we try to give a voice to as much as possible. Email me at [email protected] with your ideas.

Financial gifts

Producing a free newspaper isn’t free. The Community Reporter is working to raise $30,000 for some big plans we have this year. Consider making a tax-deductible pledge of $5 per month – our goal would be met with 500 $5 monthly commitments this year. Donate online at

Join our Board

We are always on the lookout for community members who want to help shape the future of the Community Reporter. Our Board of Directors meet monthly to help provide oversight on the long-term vision of our paper. If you are interested in learning more about joining our Board and what it entails, email [email protected]

Regardless of how much time you give us, we appreciate your continued support of the Community Reporter.

Thank you, 

Damian Goebel, Editor

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