Support Groups in March
Drinking Problem? Alcoholics Anonymous: Info: (952-922-0880) or (651-227-5502). You may call 24/7.
Women for Sobriety: Meets every Monday, 10am, at Pilgrim Lutheran Church library, 1935 St. Clair Ave. Info: Jill at 651-235-1935.
Myasthenia Gravis (MG): 800-514-5454.
Emotions Anonymous: 651-492-7100.
Overeaters Anonymous: 612-888-0262. Do you worry about the way you eat? OA may have the answer for you. No dues, fees, or weigh-ins. Meetings every Friday 6:30pm at 900 Summit Ave.
Caregiver Support Groups: Alton Memory Care, 1306 Alton St., third Wednesday of every month from 5-6 p.m. Contact Kristen Edson, 651-695-2384. Sholom Home East, 740 Kay Street, second and fourth Monday of every month from 3-4 p.m. Info: Chris Rosenthal 651-690-8920.