St. Paul pedestrian plan ready for comment
The Plan addresses citywide walking needs such as connecting the sidewalk system, providing safer ways to cross streets and education and enforcement programs to support safe walking. It includes recommendations to achieve the plan’s vision: St. Paul is a walking city — we are more healthy, resilient and connected when walking is safe and appealing for all.
Goals include: To make walking safe for everyone. People of every age and ability deserve to be safe while walking in every neighborhood of St. Paul; Connect vibrant communities in all parts of St. Paul. Walking enables us to connect with the people and places that make up our community. Get it done. We will achieve our vision of a walking city by coordinating activities across city departments, pursuing opportunities for low-cost interim solutions and updating this plan every five years
Equity is at the foundation of this plan. This means, for example, that all neighborhoods are equally safe to walk in, regardless of demographic differences; that investments are made where the need is greatest; and that there is a transparent, consistent process for pedestrian improvements.
Comments may be submitted until 4:30 p.m. Feb. 8, c/o Fay Simer, 1400 City Hall Annex, 25 W 4th St., St. Paul, MN 55102; or via