FeatureNeighborhood News

Fighting for our community

Hello West 7th Neighbors,

I’m running for reelection and appreciate your support.

Along with constituent services, I’ve worked on projects that improve our community.
I was the principal author of the Neighborhood STAR Program—a tax funded project that shows tangible benefits such as Bad Weather Brewing, North Garden Theater, Keg & Case Market, Schmidt Rathskeller, Engine Co #3 rehab, Fire House #10 rehab and many others.

I secured state bonding monies to stabilize the Mississippi River bank for new housing developments along Shepard Road, and also to build the Higher Ground Opportunity Center serving homeless and unsheltered people. This also resulted in the relocation and reconstruction of the new Saint Paul Regional Labor Center on West 7th. I helped find state monies to improve the RiverCentre complex that brings much economic activities to local businesses.

I advocated for upgrading State Highway 5 (West 7th Street) and for protecting neighborhood quality of life by resisting efforts to eliminate the posted 45 MPH speed limit on 35E (which would increase local noise levels).

I have taken leading roles in supporting universal pre-school education, public education and higher education. I was the lead author on the Women’s Economic Security Act. I was a major actor in recent efforts to stabilize and strengthen pensions for state employees.

I advocate strongly for women’s equality, reproductive health, support for immigrants and the poor.

I’m a strong supporter of working people and their right to form unions. I’ve been working to require paid sick and safe time, paid family leave and to set up a semi-public pension system for low-wage workers.

As an avid environmentalist (and biker/hiker), I am working on divesting our state pension funds from fossil fuels, investing in renewable energy sources and preserving and developing our magnificent riverfront.

We’ve accomplished a lot but there is still so much to do.

There are still people homeless, and we lack enough affordable housing. I support at minimum $200 million in infrastructure bonds for both multi-family housing and to support homeownership. I have played a role in supporting great urban facilities—the CHS baseball field, the Science Museum, the Children’s Museum, Saint Paul RiverCentre, the Wellstone Center, the Allianz Soccer Field, to name a few—but our downtown lacks the vitality of small businesses and we need to rethink how our YMCA Community Center can meet the needs of our youth.

After the killing of George Floyd, we saw peaceful demonstrations, but also civil unrest and opportunity crimes. We need a reimagined police force that works with the community to solve crime and assist victims. And we need reasonable gun safety laws that will close registration loopholes and keep guns out of the hands of people who are mentally ill or suicidal.

Also, we need to have fun. I’m a big supporter of fostering craft breweries, tap rooms and brewpubs.

In the interest of safety, please consider voting early in-person at Ramsey County Elections, 90 Plato Blvd or request a mail-in ballot. All information can be found at mnvotes.org.

Minnesota Senate District 65


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