Federation Update
The Federation Board meeting was held on October 14. The next Board meeting is Monday, November 11 at 7 p.m. at 882 West 7th Street, Suite 6 on the second floor.
Board Update:At the October meeting, the Board heard updates from Catholic Charities and Ramsey County Housing Stability about Dorothy Day Place and Saint Paul Opportunity Center — and about homelessness in our community. Volunteers are needed, and you can learn more at cctwincities.org/volunteer.The Federation also approved supporting reduced speed limits to 25 mph on City-owned streets.
Stay in touch:We encourage neighbors to “like” the West 7th/Fort Road Federation on Facebook and subscribe to its e-newsletter on our website — fortroadfederation.org.
Contact: Emily Northey, FRF executive director + community organizer [email protected]; office: 651-298-5599.