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Federation Update

At the Federation’s Dec. 10 meeting, the Board approved supporting a request for a variance at 178 Goodrich for a new garage. The Board heard a presentation about the Pedestrian Plan by Fay Simer, City of St. Paul Public Works; (read the plan at Mike Lovas, City of St. Paul Emergency Management, presented what his department does and how we can be prepared for an emergency; has more information.

                After careful consideration, the Board selected three of the neighbor nominations to be honored on the Neighborhood Honor Roll for making West 7th a better place: Little Bohemia Neighborhood Association’s leaders past and present; Michelle Ooley with Mobile Menders; and Craig Cohen, Keg & Case developer. The awards will be presented Jan. 25 at a citywide event at the U of St. Thomas.

                District Plan Volunteers: The Federation took initial steps to update the District Plan with a brief survey this summer. If you would like to help write initial, draft chapters of the plan, please email your contact info to Emily at [email protected]. The plan articulates a vision to guide growth and investment, provides a process for community engagement in setting priorities for the area, and guides the city in decision-making on a neighborhood level.

                The next Board meeting will be Jan. 14,  7 p.m.

                Stay in touch: We encourage neighbors to “like” the West 7th/Fort Road Federation on Facebook and subscribe to its e-newsletter on our website. Contact: Emily Northey, FRF executive director + community organizer [email protected]; office: 651-298-5599.

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