Federation Update
974 West 7th
Board Update
At the Oct. 12 meeting, they heard a request for support by Saint Paul 350 of their effort to support 100 percent clean, renewable energy for everyone in Saint Paul and to build no new fossil fuel infrastructure; the Board approved, supporting the statement. The Board also learned about a proposal to change the required distance between wine-only off-sale stores from one-half mile to 300 feet and voted to support the approval; the change would only allow for 6-7 additional sites in Saint Paul. Finally, the Board heard about an effort by the Minnesota Association of Non-smokers to limit coupons of tobacco products and create a minimum price; the Board took no vote to support.
Upcoming Meetings, on Zoom
Details and log-in info at www.fortroadfederation.org/calendar
• Transportation and Land Use Committee – Wed, Nov. 4. 6:30pm
• Joint Riverview Task Force – Thu, Nov. 5. 6-7pm
• Board Meeting – Mon, Nov 9, 7pm
• Community Engagement Committee – Thu, Nov 19, 6:30pm
Stay in touch
“Like” us on Facebook. Subscribe to its e-newsletter fortroadfederation.org.
Contact Emily Northey, FRF executive director + community organizer 651-298-5599; [email protected]; 882 West 7th St, Suite 6, Rathskeller Building.