WHOLE WIDE WORLD – West 7th Public Library
By Cate Sering, Library Manager
A New OverDrive Site
In 2021, OverDrive and the Libby app will be your one-stop spot for e-books, downloadable audiobooks, and digital magazines. Items from RBDigital and cloudLibrary have moved to OverDrive and the Saint Paul Public Library collection will be joining collections from the Twin Cities metro area, offering you access to more materials all in one place!
– SPPL OverDrive, click “Sign In” and then choose “Saint Paul Public Library”
– Libby, messaging in the app will connect you to the new shared online library.
– Visit sppl.org/ebooks. Have questions? Please stop by the West 7th Library or call our reference line at 651-266-7000.
Career Labs
Experienced a job loss, a reduction in hours, change or loss of household income or health, safety, or other uncertainties in your industry? Do you have other career barriers due to COVID? Career Labs can help. With support from Community Development Block Grant, St. Paul Public Library provides services to Saint Paul residents as they seek employment, build career skills, and navigate career transitions.
Lab locations include Dayton’s Bluff, Rice Street, Rondo and Sun Ray Libraries. Reservations must be made at least 2 hours in advance. To make an appointment call 651-793-1699 or book a time at sppl.org/career-labs.