West 7th / Fort Road Federation October 2023
Board supports property variance
At our September board meeting, the Federation heard from owners regarding a variance application at 1324 West 7th St. The owners described a vision for this property including a small restaurant with a rooftop patio, a small lot and plenty of green space. Under this specific vision and proportion of greenspace to paved surfaces, the board unanimously approved the request for support of the variance.
Join us for a conversation on West 7th bike and pedestrian safety
Neighbors and Community Members, please join us at Palace Community Center on October 3 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. to discuss interim pedestrian improvements along West 7th, while we await the larger scale mill & overlay project for West 7th, currently scheduled to begin construction in 2028. The West 7th/Fort Road Federation will be composing a letter to MnDOT asking for short term improvements (i.e. repainted crosswalks, bump outs, bollards, and signage) now and in high priority intersections of West 7th.
We recognize that there is a need for increased pedestrian & biking safety throughout the entire district, but this specific conversation will focus on issues specific to West 7th Street and the improvements proposed in the MnDOT’s Community Engagement Summary. We welcome your input as we prioritize our requests to MnDOT and look forward to hosting additional conversations in the future.
Area 1 and 3 coordinators needed
We are seeking an Area 1 and Area 3 Coordinator. If you are interested, please contact us at [email protected].
Upcoming Meetings
Transportation & Land Use Committee – Oct 4, 6:30pm
Board Meeting – Oct 9, 7pm
Community Engagement & Fundraising – Oct 19, 6:30 p.m. More details: fortroadfederation.org/calendar