Letter to the Editor: Thanks to the Fort Road Federation for making our street safer
I would like to give a shout out to Julia McColley, Executive Director of the West 7th/Fort Road Federation, for assisting me in getting pedestrian crossing signs installed along Otto Avenue this past fall. Although the signs have been removed for the “winter,” I appreciate her assistance in putting in the request with the city to help with safer crossing for our children and all walkers in the community. Cars along Otto Avenue tend to speed throughout all hours of the day and rarely stop for pedestrian traffic. Having those signs helped bring added awareness as kids were on their way back and forth to school and getting on and off the bus. The “20 is Plenty” sign movement helped temporarily but I found myself constantly picking up the signs. Hopefully we’ll see the signs replaced soon but in the meantime I appreciated the help from her as I have been asking for a stop sign along Otto for years.
Thank you,