Help the Community Reporter reach our goals
The Community Reporter is about to begin its 54th year as a nonprofit service to the West End and neighboring areas of St. Paul.
We are launching a fundraising campaign with two goals — first, to raise new funds that will allow us to expand our range, both through expanded deliveries and by enriching our online presence — and second, to encourage many community members to become personally involved in our efforts to explore, explain and understand our community’s history, creativity, enterprise and concern for others.
A community of practice is a group of people who “share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly”. The concept was first proposed by cognitive anthropologist Jean Lave and educational theorist Etienne Wenger in their 1991 book Situated Learning. [Citation from Wikipedia.]
In many ways, the Community Reporter has always been a “community of practice,” an intentional coming together of people committed to working together to accomplish worthwhile goals. We have supported all the agencies and nonprofits, the artists and businesses, the community development campaigns that have made the last half-century so full. In turn, individuals and especially businesses have donated and advertised to make our work possible.
Now, we’d like to shift a bit more toward a membership concept. We want to raise $30,000 in 2024 to invest in our website and other online activities, and to expand direct deliveries to neighboring neighborhoods like Highland and the West Side. Such expansion will enable us to increase our advertising revenues as well.
Would you become part of this effort by pledging $5 per month? Our goals would be met with 500 member commitments.
Jerry Rothstein
Administrative Director