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HDC, W7/FRF host annual meetings, welcome new Board members

The West 7th / Fort Road Federation (W7/FRF) and the Highland District Council (HDC) held their annual meetings and Board of Directors elections last month, about a week apart, at Summit Brewing.

Highland District Council

At their annual meeting on April 17, the Highland District Council kicked off voting for 10 board seats, four for at-large directors and at-large alternates, as well as six members representing different geographic areas of the neighborhood. Board seats in Highland are two year terms, with even and odd numbered grids up for election every other year. 

When voting closed a week later, the neighborhood had elected Tim Morehed to grid 2, Kathleen Andeerson to grid 4, Jack Rossman to grid 6, Tom Distad to grid 8, Patti Brady to grid 10 and Cheryl Calloway to grid 12. Additionally, Kathleen Schubert and Tom Romens were elected as At-Large Directors and Casey Ulrich and Frank Jossi were elected as At-Large Alternate Directors.

Find the complete list of HDC’s Board of Directors, including a map of who represents your neighborhood at highlanddistrictcouncil.org/hdc

West 7th / Fort Road Federation

On April 23, the W7/FRF elected a new Executive Committee and added several new faces to their Board.

The Federation had a few current board members shift seats into their Executive Committee including Maggie Rock as the First Vice President and Sara Fleetham being elected to Secretary.

Incumbent Board President Meg Duhr, along with Area 1 Coordinator Korinne Gerhart, Area 2 Coordinators Hayden Kilkenny and Kelsey Peterson, and Area 3 Seth Smiglewski were re-elected for another term.

Added to the board this year are Second Vice President Suzanne Zahorski, Area 1 Coordinator Briana Broberg, and Area 2 Coordinator Devin Fischer.

Executive Director Julia McColley was excited by the new Board of directors for this year, but sad that some key members were stepping down from their roles.

“Sadly, we bid farewell to Bill McMahon (2nd Vice President) and Ruthanne Atkinson (Secretary). They have been an invaluable part of our board and we wish them well,” she said.

The West 7th / Fort Road Federation is still seeking a renter to represent Area 3 in the district, which includes the area from the south side of Armstrong Ave., I-35E, West 7th St., Homer St. and the Mississippi River.

Learn more about their board at fortroadfed.org/board-members-%26-staff.  

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