Goals for 2020
After the new year people often have new resolutions and goals. As I hear friends and family talk about what they’d like to accomplish in 2020, I think about how fortunate we are to live in a community that has prioritized the wellbeing of all residents. Many of their resolutions, and perhaps yours, can be accomplished with support by our city facilities and staff.
Want to move your body and get more exercise this year? Stop by your rec center! For only $30 a year as a St. Paul resident you can purchase a fitness center membership, which gets you access to all thirteen rec center fitness rooms throughout the city. If you don’t want to purchase a pass, but want to get out of the house comfortable on a cold day, stop by and purchase a day pass for $3 for the fitness room, and only $1 a day for a walking track pass.
If you want to lace up your skates and get more ice time in 2020, stop by our neighborhood outdoor ice facilities. Groveland Rec Center is the only natural ice rink in the city with its very own Zamboni, and the refrigerated rink at the Palace Rec Center is great for those warmer winter days.
Want to set aside time to discover new worlds, learn about a new topic, or take a free class to improve skills? Stop by a library! Our St. Paul Public Libraries offer hundreds of programs with tens of thousands of participants. You can do much more than just check out a book at our libraries — take a ukulele class, bring your child to story time, get free GED prep, help with a job search, and even after school homework help for school aged kids.
I wish you all the best as we begin 2020, and hope you’re successful in accomplishing any goal you’ve set for yourself this year. As always, please reach out to my office if you ever have questions, concerns, or ideas on ways to improve our communities (651-266-8630).