GAP students get political
This spring, Global Arts Plus students will publish their work in each issue of the Community Reporter between March and June. Their work will range from long-form articles to bite-sized memoirs to poems and stories. They are so excited to share their stories with you.
This month, 7th grade students in Ms. Hunt’s American Studies class at Global Arts Plus examined and analyzed political cartoons to understand who had power during the Reconstruction and Progressive Eras and how those groups exercised that power. Students learned how exaggeration, humor and stereotyping were used by political cartoonists to educate and persuade the public regarding these historical moments and events. Students then created original political cartoons to show their understanding of power during the Reconstruction or Progressive Eras, incorporating the same strategies of exaggeration, humor or stereotyping. Here are a few examples of the political cartoons the 7th graders created.