Clinic 555 CareVan rolls out to bring health and wellness to community
Ramsey County Public Health celebrated the rollout of its Clinic 555 mobile CareVan on November 9. The van enables Public Health to expand access to underserved communities as part of its mission to reduce health disparities.
Purchased with federal Title X grant funds, the CareVan features space to meet with patients to discuss health concerns, an exam room and telehealth connectivity for virtual visits with a nurse practitioner.
Current services offered on-site via the CareVan include:
- Screening and testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI), HIV, Hepatitis C.
- Information and health education about safer sex products.
- Telehealth or in-person visits with nurse practitioners for sexual health exams, PrEP, STI, Hepatitis C treatment and birth control.
- Harm reduction supplies (naloxone and syringe exchange for safer use).
Clinic 555 received the van earlier this year and has had a soft launch at various community events and sites. The clinic is actively seeking requests from community organizations and groups interested in having the CareVan available at their sites on a regular basis, or at events.
More information as well as a form for organizations to request the CareVan are available at