
Neighborhood NewsFeaturePublic Interest

Progress for Minnesota

Hello neighbors! As the summer begins to wrap up, I hope that you (like me) are looking forward to the State Fair and the autumn, our state’s most beautiful season.

Another “season” that is coming to a close is the 2023-2024 legislative term. And what a term it was – one of the most productive in Minnesota history. After many years of divided government and gridlock, the DFL-controlled state House and Senate and Governor Walz came together to pass budgets and policies that will have a positive impact for generations.

To provide just a few examples…

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Neighborhood NewsLocal Culture

Losing Brother Mark

August 1980. I was five years into my first real doctor job after interning one year at Minneapolis General Hospital. Family Doctor at West 7th’s Helping Hand Health Center across from Mancini’s, in the former Little Bohemian Bakery. 32 years young. One of my first patients of that day looked very, very fragile.

“I just lost my best sister to a heart attack one month ago,” said a 70 year-old distressed lady. “We were always close, and I didn’t get to say goodbye.”

“I’m really sorry,” I said.

“We talked every day and most evenings. I don’t know what I’ll do without her.”

I told her I knew exactly how she felt.

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Neighborhood NewsLifestyle & Wellness

What is the buzz this summer? Mosquitoes!

With the wet conditions this summer the mosquitoes have now come out in full force! While the little pests can transmit troublesome viral illnesses, the most common result here in Minnesota is an annoying bug bite that is itchy and irritating. Treatment for these itchy bug bites can include ice and over the counter anti-itch creams such as hydrocortisone. What is better than treatment, however, is taking steps to avoid getting bitten by these insects!

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Neighborhood NewsArts & Culture

The Wisdom of “The Alchemist”

I was excited to read this book following many good recommendations about it. And I was not disappointed. As I read this book, I was especially impressed by the storytelling. The choice of words always felt very intentional and was full of wisdom. While I thought that some of the characters were underdeveloped and that some of the wisdom could be confusing at times, that didn’t take away from the story as a whole.

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