Reading and Math Corps Recruiting Tutors in West End
AmeriCorps is calling for 1,700 Minnesota tutors to help students struggling in reading and math. Two state-wide programs, Minnesota Reading Corps and Minnesota Math Corps, have awarded tutor positions to five area schools: Creative Arts Secondary School (Math); Highland Park Elementary (Math); Mt. Airy CAPRW (Pre-K); St. Anthony Park Elementary (K-3); and West Side Summit Charter School (Math). Minnesota is reported to have one of the largest achievement gaps in the nation, heightening the need for literacy and math tutors in schools throughout the state.
Both full- and part-time tutors are being recruited to begin a year of paid service this fall. By joining Reading Corps or Math Corps, individuals will be helping more than 35,000 students statewide. Reading Corps and Math Corps initiatives aim to help every Minnesota student become a successful reader by the end of third grade, and proficient in math by the end of eighth grade.
Tutors are being sought for three different levels of commitment: 35, 25 or 18 hours a week. Tutors receive a stipend every two weeks, and can earn up to an additional $4,200 for student loans or tuition, which can be gifted to a family member if the tutor is 55 or older. Many tutors also qualify for additional benefits like free health insurance and child care assistance. Anyone interested is encouraged to apply now at or by calling 866-859-2825. Tutors will begin in August 2019, and spend the next school year making the commitment to “Help Minnesota Be More.”
Math and literacy tutors are fully trained by Math Corps and Reading Corps. Tutor candidates come from a variety of backgrounds, ranging from high school graduates to retirees. Mid-career individuals considering a professional change are also excellent candidates. Parents also find serving as a tutor is a great way to support their child’s school.