Portions of Snelling Avenue closed through mid-August
Crews have begun reconfiguring Snelling Ave. between Montreal Ave. and Ford Parkway, with major traffic changes already beginning – and more coming over the next few months.
Lane closures began on June 24 on Snelling, reducing traffic to one lane in both directions between Montreal and Ford.
Starting in mid-July, the Southbound lanes of Snelling will be closed to through traffic and the northbound lanes will be reduced to one lane.
Snelling will be closed to truck traffic along that stretch during lane closures and normal automobile traffic will be detoured to Fairview Ave.
MnDOT said that, when completed, the project will construct a center median, reconstruct the traffic signal at Montreal Ave. and Snelling Ave., reduce traffic to one lane in each direction with dedicated left turns at the median breaks, remove parking along Snelling Ave., and construct a new 10’ multi-use trail on the east side of Snelling Ave.
Additionally, crews will resurface a half mile of Snelling Ave. between St. Clair Ave. and Grand Ave.
Learn more about the project at dot.state.mn.us/metro/projects/snellingave-stpaul.