Minnesota Author Writes New Novel With a West 7th Setting

Pete Gallagher, a West End native and now a Shoreview resident, recently released his new novel “Backwashed.”
The novel is a murder mystery set in contemporary West 7th St. Gallagher says it is a story of damaged people finding each other.
Gallagher, who is originally from the West 7th area, retired from the City of St. Paul after thirty-four years, most spent in the engineering sector as a technician and supervisor. He grew up on Clifton Street and is an old St. James School and Monroe High alum.
“My efforts in writing fiction have always centered on the ambient attitude of my old St. Paul neighborhood, and populating the place with characters who have evolved from within that collective energy,” Gallagher said.
“Backwashed is available through retail booksellers, at ItascaBooks.com, online through Barnes & Noble and Amazon or by request from public libraries.