Public Interest

Neighborhood NewsGreen Space & The RiverLifestyle & WellnessPublic Interest

What’s To Be Done About Plastic?

As I recall bags flailing in trees like caught kites, and dealing with plastics on the street in front of my house and where I go for walks, I just want it all to go away. It’s not likely to happen soon. 

Plastics are double- edged in the current world – we can’t live easily without plastic, but our planet is inundated with plastic pollution, on land, air and sea. Plastic bags fly freely, plastic barges float in oceans, and flattened bottles and plastic pieces scuttle in the wind all around our streets, yards and fields. And microplastic floats around in our bodies.

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Neighborhood NewsFeaturePublic Interest

Progress for Minnesota

Hello neighbors! As the summer begins to wrap up, I hope that you (like me) are looking forward to the State Fair and the autumn, our state’s most beautiful season.

Another “season” that is coming to a close is the 2023-2024 legislative term. And what a term it was – one of the most productive in Minnesota history. After many years of divided government and gridlock, the DFL-controlled state House and Senate and Governor Walz came together to pass budgets and policies that will have a positive impact for generations.

To provide just a few examples…

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Neighborhood NewsPublic Interest

Community Voices: Misconceptions and Two out of four ain’t bad…

Dear editor,

Two out of four: On Wednesday, July 10 I was again not allowed into the Riverview Corridor’s “open” house at the Jewish Community Center. The first exclusion was at my local community center at Palace Recreation Center. My crime: I had an easel and poster that elaborated on bus rapid transit (BRT) option that the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) instructed them to present along with two streetcar options. The second crime is that I had a handout spreadsheet that their River Corridor staff developed that compared the options, plus the Purple/Gold BRT extension.

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