Osborn Plaza Improvements – Open House #2
February 3 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

February 3, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Osborn370 Building.
The City of St. Paul Parks and Recreation Department is seeking feedback on a preferred concept for Osborn Plaza (376 Wabasha St. N, Ward 2, District 17).
A second open house will be held on Monday February 3rd from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in the Osborn370 Building lobby (370 Wabasha Street N). Please join us to review and to provide feedback on the preferred concept. The preferred concept will be uploaded to the project website after the open house for a 2 week comment period. For questions or translation assistance, please contact Brett Hussong at [email protected] or 651-266-6420. More info at stpaul.gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/design-construction/current-projects/osborn-plaza-improvements.