Neighborhood News

Neighborhood NewsPublic Interest

Working Toward Fewer Gun Deaths in Minnesota

This month marks three years since the tragic shooting on West Seventh Street that killed one person and injured 14 others. Since then, the U.S. has continued to experience more gun violence than nearly every other country in the world. Guns continue to be a top cause of death for children and teens, and from schools to bars and movie theaters, gun violence overshadows nearly every venue of public life. 

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Neighborhood NewsLocal Culture

I See You

It is a small gesture, but when you are trying to cross four lanes of traffic at the corner of West 7th and Goodrich, the gesture and the recognition matters. Each Tuesday I navigate that stretch of road in order to join long time colleagues and friends for breakfast at the Day By Day Café. Sometimes, too often, I feel virtually invisible as cars speed by seemingly unaware or uninterested in a pedestrian hoping to safely make it to the other side. But, invariably there is a person who sees me, slows down and motions for me to cross. Since it is four lanes, I never take one person’s stopping as sufficient, but what often seems to be the case is that if one person stops it triggers other people doing the same thing. It is good to be seen.

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